
Google & Yahoo's New DMARC Policy Shows Why Businesses Need Email Authentication... Now

Phishing, while pronounced the same as fishing, is the farthest thing from a relaxing pastime you can get. Instead, a successful phishing attack can cost […]

Phishing, while pronounced the same as fishing, is the farthest thing from a relaxing pastime you can get. Instead, a successful phishing attack can cost a business not only leaked data but also thousands of dollars.

Phishing continues to play a major role in data breaches and security incidents, leading to email authentication becoming a requirement for email service providers and crucial for your online presence.

Two of the world's largest email providers, Google and Yahoo, have implemented a new DMARC policy that went into effect in February 2024 for businesses sending emails. But what exactly is DMARC, and why should you care? DMARC is a game-changer in email security, and we're here to break it down for you. Let's explore why it's more vital than ever for your business.

Cutting down on email spoofing

Imagine receiving an urgent email from your bank requesting immediate action. You click a link, enter your details, and BOOM - your information is compromised.

That is email spoofing. When a scammer disguises their email address and pretends to be a trusted individual or organization, then emails customers and vendors asking for information.

Increasing Email Authentication

It's a way to verify the legitimacy of your emails and protect against spoofing. Email authentication uses three key protocols, and each has a specific job:

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework): Records the IP addresses authorized to send email for a domain.
  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): Allows domain owners to digitally “sign” emails, verifying legitimacy.
  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): Gives instructions to a receiving email server, including what to do with the results of an SPF and DKIM check. It also alerts domain owners that their domain is being spoofed.

SPF and DKIM are protective steps. DMARC provides critical information for security enforcement. It helps keep scammers from using your domain name in spoofing attempts.

Here's how it works:

  1. You set up a DMARC record in your domain server settings. This record informs email receivers (like Google and Yahoo) of the IP addresses authorized to send emails on your behalf.
  2. What happens next? Your sent email arrives at the receiver’s mail server, which checks if the email is from an authorized sender.
  3. Based on your DMARC policy, the receiver can take action, including delivery, rejection, or quarantine.
  4. You receive reporting back from the DMARC authentication. The reports let you know if your business email is being delivered and if scammers are spoofing your domain.

Now, why does Google and Yahoo's new DMARC policy matter? It sets higher standards for email security, requiring businesses to implement DMARC for smooth email delivery and protection against scams.

Implementing DMARC isn't just about compliance—it offers tangible benefits for your business. It safeguards your brand reputation, improves email deliverability, and provides valuable insights into email handling.

N-Tech Consulting is here to help you take action and implement DMARC. Our team of experts can guide you through the process and ensure your email security is top-notch. Reach out to us today to get started.

Portions of this article were used with permission from The Technology Press.

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